meditate to the sounds of the nature

5 minuutin loma

During the years of 2014-2016 I had a brand called 5 Minuutin Loma. This is Finnish, and means “5 minute vacation.” I created it to help others who were struggling with stress and busyness in the hopes that they would find help earlier and avoid what happened to me… 

During my early 30s I was working hard in the Corporate game in Finland, and slowly but surely the constant grind and busyness took its toll. I burned out, not severly, but enough to want to quit my job and find alternative ways to deal with my mind. 

I studied to become a certified Life Coach, I deepened my knowledge of Yoga and Meditation with a Yoga Teacher Training (RYT 200), and I received a NLP Practitioned certification to understand how we can influence our thoughts and feelings by the language we use. 

Learning to relax in the midst of busy

 During our time in the Philippines 2014-2017 I wanted to share the incredible power of the pristine nature around me, and I wanted to offer my lessons learned to others. To relax in the midst of your daily life, instead of waiting so long that you need years to decompress.

5 Minuutin Loma offered short, 5-10 minute meditations for every day of the week. They had nature sounds in the background (which I recorded, like the waves, crickets, water falls, small springs, tropical rain etc). All meditations were designed to be short enough to listen to on the way to work, or even at the office.


We created the concept of “5 Minute Vacation” to the Finnish market, did the branding (logo, colors, e-product pictures etc) and web design, as well as the social media presence.

The products were sold via the website, and via a large Finnish wellness product platform during 2014-2016.